Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Leaping into a new month!

I cannot believe that we are already to the end of February!  One of my teacher friends started the count down...  58 days!  ACK!  I am stressed about getting these kids where they need to be!  I have a few teachery things to share. 
1.  I just found Steve Spangler Science Videos on YouTube.  (My family sat and watched his videos during dinner-  ummm.... really???  There goes the no tv at dinner and uninterupted family time rule!  Oh yeah-  and what kind of nerds watch science experiments for entertainment?  Teacher's families I guess!!!!!)  My students LOVE LOVE LOVE the experiments and beg to watch them.  I have come up with a couple of scientific method sheets to go with some.  I will share them in the future!  My kids were asking me to write down the name of "that guy" so I sent home the info today.  I am guessing many will be watching science experiments tonight!   Speaking of YouTube...  there are some really fun Just Dance Kids postings.  My students and my kids at home love them!  ...and it gets in our 10 min. of physical activity requirement...  and it is the fastest way to get them to clean up and move to the carpet.  Win Win Win! 

2. I have found some incredible center ideas on PINTEREST!  I made a variation of one I found, but wasn't long enough.  You can download it HERE.
The activities like this that I have seen only have 4 spaces, so this gives a few more.  Some of my kids are fast decorators, so they do some on the back too.

3. I have also been working on some fluency phrases.  One of the games I have is made of questions: the students play in a group.  They roll a dice and read the question that is the same number as the dice.  They tally up each time they read and after 5 times they write the question on the back.  I have all the kids in the group read the question at the same time.  (This is one that helps to have a volunteer at!)   Download it here:  Question Fluency Game
So that is just about it.  I have a game of Hide and Seek to join and some Kindergarten homework to cheer!  Wish me luck!


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