Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thank goodness for the Weekend!

Friday I made it through my observation with very little problems.  My students were great and the lesson just sort of fell together in a way that had to have been divine intervention.  So that is over.  Whew!

I had a great time that night at Target with my daughter on a mommy/daughter date.  She had a gift card to spend and was exteemely careful at what she bought!  Some days she is more 16 than 3!  I found some fancy duct tape (I'm addicted!) and some little heart counters in the dollar section.  I am working on adding a few of the activities I am making as soon as my commercial license is approved!

My kids and I spent the day yesterday lounging around, shopping, and working at school.  I found some really great stuff for school at the Dollar Tree... 

The mittens are because on a daily basis one or four of my students do not have mittens and even though the weather is more like April, it can still get cold for their little fingers at recess.  I am working on a really fun writing project that will incorporate the Leprechaun Hat, gold coins and glasses, and the bag and pop rocks are for a great unit I bought from Abby at the Inspired Apple(LOVE!) , and the super glue is for the Learner Response Systems that my students drop on a regular basis.  (I had a pile of broken ones on my desk)

We spent the afternoon working at school, church, and then celebrated a friend's birthday at our favorite Mexican restaurant.  Great day!

Today we took the kids on their first bowling trip...  so funny!

Emelia always tried to quick do it herself before we could help her. 
 It went so slow that one time it just came to a dead stop!

This shot has potential!

Making faces at your broher is just as fun as bowling!

I spent my "free" time making a few dinners for the upcoming week and cleaning.  One dinner, two lunches, and a few lesson plans and there goes the weekend!  The great thing about this week is that Matt (husband) has off Monday and Wednesday, so he can get a few things done around the house and run some errands! 

It is in the 40's the beginning of the week!  Loving this...


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